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Nederland beter verankeren in de nieuwe wereldorde. Dat is onze missie. GeopolitiekNu bereidt beleidsmakers voor op de ingrijpende gevolgen van de fragmenterende wereldorde.

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Geopolitiek tastbaar gemaakt voor beleidsmakers

Laatste Nieuws


Onze activiteiten 

Hoe maken wij onze missie waar?

GeopolitiekNu Podcast

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Europa en Middellandse Zee update

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Midden-Oosten en Rode Zee update

Oekraïne-Rusland front update

Defensie update

'You need two to tango'

So the saying goes, for good reason. To build strong relationships, other countries must also know their way around the Netherlands and the international institutions based in the Netherlands. Given the nature of diplomacy, this varies widely. From understanding the main political actors in the Netherlands and these organisations, social and political developments and the nature of the (negotiation) culture.

Click below to find out how to tango!